Welcome to the  ALB Broad & Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum 2016


Date:             21 September 2016
Venue:           The Westin Beijing Chaoyang – Chaoyang Ballroom, 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.     
Registration:     13:00-13:30
Event:            13:30-17:00

注册时间:2016921  1300-13:30

活动时间:2016921  13:30-17:00



As the global economy integrates, more and more Chinese companies start to participate in the international competition. To get good investment returns and to gain initiative in the international dispute have become the primary goals of these Chinese companies.
2016 ALB Broad&Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum will be held on September 21st.  The most experienced experts from both China and Japan will get together to discuss about :

  • Legal issues of direct investment in Japan;
  • Chinese companies' commercial disputes in Japan;
  • Labor& employment issues in Japan.



921日, ALB将与世泽律师事务所联合主办中国企业对日论坛,汇集中国和日本实务界精英就对日直接投资的法律问题中国企业在日本的商事纠纷日本劳动和雇佣的实践问题进行深入研究探讨,相互交流。

Click "REGISTER NOW" to get free entry:

*Please note that free passes are not applicable to law firms and legal service providers. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers are welcome to contact Yvonne Cheung (E-mail: yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com;Phone: +852 2847 2003) for further information on how to participate in the event.
** Referrals are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply.


点击 “立即注册” 获得免费入场资格:


*免费参会名额对律师事务所及其他相关服务提供商不适用。上述代表如有意愿参会欢迎联系张裕裕(E-mail:yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com; Phone: +852 2847 2003)获得更多详细信息。


Welcome to the ALB Broad & Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum 2016


Date:             21 September 2016
Venue:           The Westin Beijing Chaoyang – Chaoyang Ballroom, 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.     
Registration:    13:00-13:30
Event:            13:30-17:00

注册时间:2016921  1300-13:30

活动时间:2016921  13:30-17:00



Speakers for the ALB Broad & Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum 2016



Jun Ji - Founding Partner - Broad & Bright Law Firm

姬军 - 创始合伙人 - 世泽律师事务所

As one of founding partners of Broad & Bright, Mr. Jun Ji has more than 20 years experience in providing legal services. His main practice area is dispute resolution, including litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution through negotiation. Mr. Ji has rich experience and prominent performance, especially in litigations of intellectual property infringement and sophisticated debt recovery cases.



Kazuo Imai  - Founding Partner - Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

今井 和男 - 创始合伙人- 虎门中央法律事务所

Kazuo Imai was graduated from Tokyo University Law Faculty in 1975 and admitted to Tokyo Bar Association in 1983 (the 35th session), now serving as the representative lawyer of Toranomon Chuo Law Firm, chairperson of Civil Litigation Committee of Japan Federation of Bar Associations, committee member of Japan Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Civil Rules and etc.  He dedicates to establishment of Nice Compliance with his long term practice experience in economy field.  He publishedInvestor Relations General Meetings and Governance Post-2014 Companies Act Amendments (Shoji Homu (2015)), Business Failure and Compliance (Ho No Shihai No. 170, 2013), Talk of the Time: Nice Compliance! (Kinyu Homu Jijo No. 1966 (Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, 2013)) and etc.

1975年东京大学法学院毕业,1983年东京律师注册(35期),虎门中央法律事务所代表。担任日本律师联合会民事审判程序相关委员会委员长、日本最高法院民事规则制定咨询委员会委员等。基于长期以来直面经济的业务经验,致力于Nice compliance的确立。著作有《2014年公司法修订后的IR总会与公司治理》(商事法务2015年)、论文《经营破绽与合规》(法的支配第1702013年)、《时论 Nice compliance!》(金融法务事情第19662013年)等。



Hongliang YIN - Partner - Broad & Bright Law Firm

殷宏亮 - 合伙人- 世泽律师事务所

Mr. Yin received his LL.B. degree from Jilin University School of Law in 2002, and his LL.M. degree from Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law, Japan in 2007. Mr. Yin has been living in Japan for 13 years since he went to Japan for further studies in 2002.

Before joining Broad & Bright, Mr. Yin has worked at the legal department of Mitsui Chemicals Inc., Tokyo Head Office for 7 years. Mr. Yin is currently based in Broad & Bright Shanghai Office and Tokyo Office (Toranomon Chuo Law Firm Broad and Bright Office of Registered Foreign Lawyers (JOINT VENTURE)).



Taotao ZHU- Partner -Broad & Bright Law Firm

诸韬韬- 合伙人- 世泽律师事务所

Mr. Zhu has joined Broad & Bright since June 2011 as a senior lawyer. Before joining Broad & Bright, Mr. Zhu had been with Mori Hamada & Matsumoto from 2005 to 2011 in their Shanghai office and Tokyo office. 

Mr. Zhu received his LLB degree and LLM degree from East China University of Political Science and Law. Mr. Zhu also holds a BA degree of Finance from East China Normal University with a second major in Finance. 



Ken Hirano - Partner- Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

平野  - 合伙人 - 虎门中央法律事务所

Since Ken Hirano has worked at a private equity fund for five years, he is active in mergers and acquisitions, fund investment and corporate turnaround, giving appropriate advice for building proper legal schemes. Studying corporate compliance, organisational management and corporate finance in London Business School, he always provides high-quality and practical advice from both business and legal side combined.



Weiwei Weng -  Partner- Broad & Bright Law Firm

翁维维 - 合伙人 - 世泽律师事务所

Mr. Weng is a partner at Broad & Bright Shanghai Office. Mr. Weng’ s major practice areas include foreign direct investment in China, mergers and acquisitions, listing, real estate and construction, intellectual property and general corporate. Before joining Broad & Bright, Mr. Weng practiced in Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, one of the leading law firms in Japan, for 11 years and has extensive experience in his major practice areas.


Yanjie Lian- Partner - Broad & Bright Law Firm

连晏杰 合伙人- 世泽律师事务所

Yanjie Lian graduated from Fudan University with a LL.B. degree in 2002. During 2002 and 2015, he worked as associate and senior partner at Shanghai Xinhua Law Firm. In January 2016, Yanjie Lian joined Broad & Bright Law Firm as partner.Yanjie Lian mainly practices in the field of litigation and arbitration, real estate, construction and projects, corporate and commercial law, intellectual property rights, entertainment law and etc.



Takayuki Ariga - Partner - Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

有贺 隆之 - 合伙人 - 虎门中央法律事务所

Mr. Ariga advises enterprises in an extensive areas, and especially has sound experiences in enterprise scandal dealing or crisis management.  From corporate internal investigation to outward negotiation, he is not only equipped with sound theoretical knowledge but also able to provide practical and specific advices. Moreover, he has been entrusted by financial institutions (mainly banks) in dealing with a large number of cases over the years and therefore accumulated solid experiences in financial law area.  As to labor disputes area, he mainly represents the employers and proactively participated in individual/class negotiation with the employees, and also has rich practice experience in labor dispute resolution including labor trial, litigation and etc.


Dongmei Han - Partner - Broad & Bright Law Firm

韩冬梅 - 合伙人 - 世泽律师事务所

Ms. Han’s major practice areas include foreign direct investment in China, mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, general corporate, arbitration and litigation. She has been working at Broad & Bright since 2004 and has over 10 years of experience in professional fileds.



Takumi Hamamoto - Partner - Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

本 匠- 合伙人- 虎门中央法律事务所

Takumi Hamamoto specializes in deal negotiation/documentation relating to areas including real estate securitization, asset financing, renewable energy power generation projects, M&A, trademark and etc.  Moreover, he is able to help practically exercise pledge rights related to general guarantee or the earnings from real estate trust by application of various legal proceedings, so as to recover debts.




Yifan Chen - Partner - Broad & Bright Law Firm

陈轶凡 - 合伙人 - 世泽律师事务所

Mr. Yifan Chen is the partner of Broad &Brihgt. Mr. Chen’s major practice areas include foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions, debt recovery, labor law, foreign-related dispute resolution and investment in Japan. Mr. Chen has extensive experience and outstanding performance in labor law area. On December 1, 2014, proved by the Japanese Department of Justice and registered with the Japanese Bar Association, Mr. Chen was formally admitted to practice in Japan as a registered foreign lawyer (subordinated to the Tokyo Bar Association).






Kenji Shoda - Partner - Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

正田 贤司 - 合伙人- 虎门中央法律事务

With 8 years’ working experience in enterprises, Mr. Shoda is familiar with the decision-making ways of enterprises.  He can not only provide legal advices, but also seize the real intention of clients and provide specific and appropriate advice.  Moreover, additional to his rich experience in financial law, insurance law, real estate law and etc, he participated in labor law field by representing enterprises in recent years.  He not merely publishes articles, but also participates in class negotiation and attending labor committee conferences, providing specific advices from the both the legal and practical perspectives.



Norio Yamazaki- Partner - Toranomon Chuo Law Firm

山崎 哲央 - 合伙人-  虎门中央法律事务所

Mr. Yamazaki has rich litigation experience in real estate law, insurance law, financial transaction, general corporate matters and etc., as well as providing legal advices, making documentation and providing other legal services in such areas.  Moreover, Mr. Yamazaki made contributions to the promotion of company value from company management and compliance aspect by serving as the external supervisor/member of various company committees.  He dedicates to provide prompt, appropriate and satisfactory legal services in entrusted cases.  Furthermore, he broadly shares his experience through article publication and research activities.


Welcome to the ALB Broad& Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum 2016


Date:             21 September 2016
Venue:           The Westin Beijing Chaoyang – Chaoyang Ballroom, 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.     
Registration:    13:00-13:30
Event:            13:30-17:00

注册时间:2016921  1300-13:30

活动时间:2016921  13:30-17:00


For speaking opportunities and general enquiries, please contact:


Phone: +86 10 6627 1317

Email: xuan.wang@thomsonreuters.com



For sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Yvonne Cheung

Phone: +852 2847 2003

Email: yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com



联系电话: +86 10 6627 1317
电子邮件: xuan.wang@thomsonreuters.com
联系电话: +852 2847 2003
电子邮件: yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com

Welcome to the ALB Broad& Bright Chinese Companies’ Investment in Japan Forum 2016


Date:             21 September 2016
Venue:           The Westin Beijing Chaoyang – Chaoyang Ballroom, 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.     
Registration:    13:00-13:30
Event:            13:30-17:00

注册时间:2016921  1300-13:30

活动时间:2016921  13:30-17:00
